The Ask Part #4

I’m asking for your assistance to find groups and companies Business Navigators can help.

Please let me know when you have identified prospective clients that Business Navigator can help.

In order for you to know what to look for, you should understand that Business Navigators offers three types of support.

Last week we introduced the second type of support.

Offsite planning Retreat.

This week let’s look at the final type of support.

3.      The Offsite special Focus Retreat can last from one to three days and uses a theme which the client has decided to make a part of company culture.

Some examples are:

  1. Servant Leadership
  2. Good To Great
  3. Now, Discover Your Strengths

Often the retreat activities include:

  1.  Friday morning the participants arrive at the site.
  •  Friday afternoon the group reviews the content of the theme in a series of breakout sessions followed by a group meeting focusing on the “Sugar and Salt” on theme ideas.
  • Friday evening group social time.
  • Saturday morning is spent in an activity designed to reinforce the theme.
  • Saturday afternoon the group considers the usefulness of the morning activity with focus on the integration of the theme into company culture.
  • Saturday evening group social time. Often a ceremony of commitment is included at the end of the evening.
  • Sunday Morning the group analyzes the positive and negative reactions to the retreat (Sugar & Salt)

Next Wednesday I’ll focus on my ‘Target Market. What does a Business Navigator client look like.

Please let me know if you are interested in helping me.


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