The Ask Part #8

I’m asking for your assistance to help me find groups and companies that Business Navigators can help.

Please let me know when you have identified prospective clients that Business Navigators can help.

In the past 7 “ASKS” we’ve focused on:

  1. Three areas the ASKS will cover.
    1. What services does Business Navigators offer?
    1. What does a group or company that I could help look like?
    1. What are the geographical boundaries?
  2. Monthly on site facilitated meetings.
  3. Offsite planning Retreat.
  4. The Offsite special Focus Retreat
  5. potential clients share expressed pain.
  6. people start a business every day, later they realize that they never went to school to learn about business.
  7. ‘Target Market’ we’ve worked with over 25 industry segments. In fact, our processes will work with any business.

Today we review the last part of the “ASK”: the geographical boundaries.

First, we will travel anywhere in the world for Retreats.

Our monthly “On-site facilitated meetings are limited to a half day travel from Toledo, Ohio.

This includes western Pennsylvania, Southern Michigan, Eastern Illinois, Northern Kentucky, and all of Ohio.

For my friends in India, Bangladesh, Australia, Europe, and the Middle East you can be of help if you have friends or family who live within my on-site geographical boundaries and might know companies or groups that could use my help.

Please let me know when you have identified prospective clients that Business Navigators can help.


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