The Ask Part #3

I’m asking for your assistance to find groups and companies Business Navigators can help.

Please let me know when you have identified prospective clients that Business Navigator can help.

In order for you to know what to look for, you should understand that Business Navigators offers three types of support.

Last week we introduced the first type of support.

  1. Monthly on site facilitated meetings.
  • Offsite planning Retreat. Usually, this retreat includes the leadership team and lasts for two eight-hour days. The elements of the Retreat often include:
  1. The “Critical Action Matrix” reviews the past 12 months. Anticipates the next 12 months and clarifies the variance between the two. The variance reveals the Critical Actions needed to reach the goals for the next 12 months. Some teams chose to expand the Critical Action Matrix to include 3 or more years.
  • The “Hedgehog Principle” clarifies three attitudes core to a company culture.
  • Deeply Passionate.
  • Best in the world.
  • Economic Engine
  • “On the bus” is an activity where the team reviews the employees and determines those who are close to leaving the company, staying and should leave.
  • “Stop Doing” Includes making a list of those activities and attitudes which should be eliminated from company culture.
  • The “SWOT” (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) analysis looks at internal positive and negative forces  and external positive and negative forces. We take time to prioritize each of the four areas for action focus.

Next Wednesday I’ll focus on the Third type of support -The Off-Site planning retreat.

Please let me know if you are interested in helping me.


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